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Lamella Technology



POWER Spot and LASER Luxe Lamellas


POWER Spot Lamella - Spot-welded plate heating element © GIG Karasek

Everything from a single source

For individual customer requirements – GIG Karasek supplies different lamella formats, materials and welding processes

The production of lamellas for plate falling-film evaporators has been one of our core competencies for decades and is constantly being developed further.


The heating elements are produced in our state-of-the-art inhouse lamella production facility in Gloggnitz, Austria.


With its POWER Spot and LASER Luxe Lamellas, GIG Karasek offers both spot-welded and laser-welded plate heating elements in all standard formats.

Thanks to our specially developed plate forming process and fully closed edge welding, both lamella types feature a long lifetime as well as minimal risk of fouling and corrosion. In addition, our forming process allows the spot weld pattern to be variably adapted to the respective application. This enables us to implement a maximum lamella height and thus guarantee particularly energy-efficient heating up of the lamellas for POWER Spot and LASER Luxe Lamellas.

Highest quality begins in the detail

Find out more in our comparison - GIG Karasek Lamellas versus standard laser-welded lamellas on the market

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Highest evaporation rates, optimum cleaning possibilities and minimal corrosion, even for heavily fouling substances

  • Flexibility in terms of formats, materials, welding processes and customer-pecific requirements

  • Minimal risk of fouling

  • Minimal risk of corrosion

  • Long lifetime

  • Optimum utilization of heating surface

  • Optimized spot- and laser-welded lamellas

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POWER Spot Lamella

Spot-welded heating elements

Our spot-welded lamellas are characterized above all by their resistance to fouling and corrosion, as the welding spot does not come into contact with the substance.

In a forming process specially developed by GIG Karasek, the welding spots are not exposed to any force during the forming process of the lamellas. This minimizes material deformation and stresses at the welding spot. In combination with our fully closed edge welding, the product impresses with a very long lamella lifetime.  

The distances between the welding spots are adapted to the respective application. This means that spot-welded lamellas can be designed with a larger plate volume, reducing pressure losses during operation.


LASER Luxe Lamella

Laser-welded heating elements

With our laser-welded lamellas, we apply the advantages of our special forming process and thus minimize the stresses at the weld seams. The edges of the lamellas are designed identically to the spot-welded lamellas.

However, thanks to our forming process, we can also implement the larger plate volumes for minimal pressure losses for laser-welded lamellas. Thus, we offer an advanced version of the standard laser lamellas for maximum lifetime.





POWER Spot Lamella - Spot welding features a very smooth surface.
© GIG Karasek


GIGKarsek-LaserWelded-Lamella-DetailLASER Luxe Lamella - Ring-shaped weld seam with laser welding
© GIG Karasek

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