Gig Karasek News

GIG Karasek is a Green Frontrunner

Written by Dipl. Ing. Gudrun Hadolt-Rostek | Jul 12, 2024 8:36:00 AM

Gloggnitz, Austria, 12.07.2024

We are pleased to announce that GIG Karasek has received funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology as part of the "Green Frontrunner Program".

This program supports internationally oriented research and development projects with a focus on climate and environmental protection, which are carried out by Austrian companies that are already active or will soon become technology and innovation leaders.

We received approval for the further development of the CO2 valorization project "Electrochemical conversion of CO2 into valuable basic chemicals and fuels", which further strengthens our position as a technology leader in this area.

GIG Karasek focuses on the following aspects:

  • Protecting the climate by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a low-carbon economy
  • Resource consumption in line with SDG (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) 12 by focusing on the circular economy, efficient use of resources and waste reduction.
  • Energy consumption with regard to SDG 7 with the continuous optimization of our technology in terms of energy consumption and the use of renewable energy sources to reduce CO2.
Mohammad Rezaei, Head of the Environmental Technologies Business Unit, says: "Our technology not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions, but also creates value from what is normally considered a waste product. This double benefit increases the economic and environmental sustainability of many industries. We are delighted that we were able to meet the strict funding criteria and are now one of Austria's Green Frontrunners!"

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Proud to be a Green Frontrunner! The Team of GIG Karasek’s Environmental Technologies Business Unit - from left to right: Helene Rehberger, Project Engineer; Thomas Malzer, Process Engineer; Mohammad Rezaei, Head of Business Unit; Martin Rappold, Project Manager and Abdalaziz Aljabour, Electrochemical Engineer. © GIG Karasek