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    Quality, Health, Safety & Environment

    "Quality is no coincidencel, it is always the result of strained thinking."

    Quote: John Ruskin (1819-1900), English writer, painter, art historian, social economist and social reformer.


    GIG Karasek works with quality and environmental management systems. In addition, requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive and the ASME Code are met.

    We always try to get the best out of everythingt – for our customers as well as for ourselves – therefore, these certifications and approvals serve as the basis of our quality standards.


    We stand for responsible behavior towards business partners, the public and in our company. The aim is also to create jobs without endangering people and the environment and to ensure that they are free from malfunctions and accidents at work. More information can be found in our Code of Conduct.


    If you have any further questions about Quality, Health, Safety & Environment, please contact us.


    For further inquiries, we are happy to help you. Write an email to: